
Lend Us Your Voice

Currently, Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) is seeking feedback from all healthcare consumers, and these include patients, carers, or representatives from a patient or voluntary organisation.

Feedback from healthcare consumers will be helpful for the MOH to carry out the following:

(1)  Decide which Medication or Health Technology to consider for funding
          (to make the treatment more affordable to the healthcare consumer)

The MOH presently invites (on an annual basis) all healthcare consumers to submit topics on which Medication or Health Technology that they wish to be considered for funding. You can do this through a patient organization like ours or you can also submit your application directly to the MOH. Submitting your views via our Association has an advantage in that we can collate and streamline the applications to MOH. As we appeal together as a group, we are more likely to be heard when we speak with a one voice rather than as individuals.

(2)  Produce ‘plain language’ educational resources on medical conditions

These resources can then be disseminated for health education as well as to facilitate patients in their ‘shared decision making’ process with their doctors. To make better educational resources, the MOH invites patients and their carers to assist by sharing their lived experiences. You can find a list of currently available and updated health education resources produced by the MOH here.

If you wish to suggest a type of treatment or health technology related to COPD for our Association to submit to the MOH for funding consideration, please let us have your contact details by completing the form below and we will send you more details.

Type of treatment or health technology that you would like to be considered for funding

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